I am an assistant professor in the computer science department at UCSB. I am also the founder of Nubit, where we explore innovative blockchain projects that extend beyond the boundaries of academia. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from UT Austin in 2018.
My research interests include programming languages, program analysis and verification, program synthesis, and security. More specifically, I want to build automated tools to guarantee the desired behavior of a system in a sound, precise and scalable way. I am also interested in applying program synthesis/analysis to build and break systems, tackling security and performance problems in mobile devices and blockchain.
I am actively looking for self-motivated and talented students and postdocs. If you are interested in building cutting-edge program synthesis/analysis framework that combines the power of logical reasoning and machine learning, please drop me an email with your CV (Knowledge on constraint solving or functional programming languages will be a big plus).
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2018
University of Texas at Austin
MS in Computer Science, 2008
Beihang University
Ethereum Academic Award, 2024
Ethereum Academic Award, 2023
ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award, PLDI 2022.
ACM SIGCHI Best Paper Award, CHI 2021
Google Faculty Research Award (Security), 2021
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ASE 2020
DARPA HARDEN, 2022-2025.
NSF-SaTC (core) medium, 2019-2022.
ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award, PLDI 2018.
UT Austin Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship, 2018.
ACM SIGPLAN PAC award, 2017.
Program Committee: CCS’25, PLDI’25, CCS’24, OOPSLA’24, CCS’23, PLDI’22, ICSE’22, ASPLOS’21, OOPSLA’20, PLDI’20, POPL’20 (ERC), CAV’20, CAV’19, POPL’18 (AEC), ECOOP’18 (AEC), CAV’16 (AEC), MOBILESoft’16 (Publicity Chair), and MOBILESoft’15
External Review: POPL’18, CAV’18, TSE’18 (Transactions on Software Engineering), POPL’17, OOPSLA’16, PLDI’16, and PLDI’15